Sheng Wei Precision has been well-known in the CNC industry worldwide since 1971.

From 1971 to 2000, ShengweiTW started with automobile industry. We learn many experiences from our cooperation projects. Improving the technique skill and finished many hard cases with our efforts.

In 2001, the general manager Mr.wei start to build a new market for a long development of the company. From that until now, we work at aim on medical industry and precision industry.

To this end, Shengwei precision Co. had to refit and upgrade equipment to make our factory capable and effective to meet the technological requirements of this field.

With ingenuity and great trust in this change stage, we transferred our knowledge and experience to a new industry successfully.

Our passion toward excellence and our will to face the challenge of new technologies led us to become a prominent actor in this highly specific industry.

Shengwei is ready to face more difficult challenging cases and consider more effective policy making our clients get better profit and products with good quality. 

To guarantee the best quality and to respect all the regulatory certifications we applied to the ISO 13485:2016 to fit the standards of our professional field.